Council 14219 Ministries
Look for an event or charity you care about, and step up to help!
E-mail me to volunteer or to get involved James Hribar, Grand Knight at jameshribar@yahoo.com, jameshribar@@gmail.com,
Knights of Columbus Council 14129 Ministries
2022-2023 Fraternal Year
1. Culinary Ministry (ministry responsible for cooking food for Council fundraisers and
other Council events):
LEAD: Kevin Ogborne
2. Green Shirt Bar Ministry (ministry responsible for running alcoholic/soft drink bar at
in-person Council fundraisers):
LEAD: Your name here!
3. Black Apron Ministry (ministry responsible for serving food at in-person Council
fundraisers and other Council events):
LEAD: Your name here!
4. Blue Collar Ministry (ministry responsible for set up and tear down before and after in-
person Council fundraisers and other Council events):
LEAD: Your name here!
5. Blood Drive Ministry (ministry responsible for supporting St. Mary’s Parish quarterly
Red Cross Blood Drives):
LEAD: Terry Edwards
6. KOVAR/Special Olympics Ministry (ministry responsible for supporting KOVAR
fundraising and supporting Special Olympics competitions):
LEAD: Steve Lomaka and Matt Lomaka (To be confirmed)
7. New Parishioners Ministry (ministry responsible for supporting St. Mary’s Parish New
Parishioners Briefings:
LEAD: Richard Mallory
8. Feed More Ministry (ministry responsible for supporting Feed More):
LEAD: Terry Edwards
9. Habitat for Humanity Ministry (ministry responsible for supporting Habitat for
LEAD: Mike Chiffolo
10. Website/Newsletter/Media/Photo Ministry (ministry responsible for Council website, Council newsletter and other Council media and photo opportunities):
LEAD: Your name here! / Jose L. Florez florez.jose.l@gmail.com
Please contact Mike Chiffolo, Grand Knight, at mandmchiff@verizon.net if you are interested in joining a ministry.
© 2021 by KofC #14129. Proudly created in RVA